

Accessibility features

We offer the following accessibility features on our website -

  • a text only version of the website
  • resizable text

Accessibility and usability

Our website meets all the requirements of the WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines. As the site grows over time, we will endeavour to uphold the spirit and best practice of the WCAG guidelines, recognising that web technology is changing rapidly. Our main objective is to create a site which is accessible and usable in practice.

We have provided clear and consistent navigation to assist orientation within the site.

Site code

The site has been built to comply with standards XHTML and CSS3. The code has been checked for accessibility using a range of automated and (more significantly) manual checks. In older browsers (Internet Explorer 6 and earlier) it will appear as an unstyled document. All information will still be accessible.


You can also make our website talk by downloading the free text to speech software BrowseAloud. Simply install it and then move your mouse over any text, link, picture or button and BrowseAloud will speak it to you. The download is approximately 2.5Mb.

Make our website look the way you want

My Web My Way is an excellent source of accessibility help for all computer users developed by the BBC and AbilityNet. It provides information on changing colours, text size and other features of our website, and also explains how to apply these settings to any site you visit.